Children with PTSD live in constant tension. They are considered stupid at school, and it’s cortisol that keeps them from learning

– Few people think that PTSD affects a child or teenager. As a result, we underestimate their suffering. We think, ‘How can a ten-year-old be traumatised?’. They can – says psychotraumatologist Anna Jastrzębska.

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Blind man’s buff with maintenance. Bailiff: They try to get out of it, but I have a way. I have already collected PLN 2.9 million

The bailiff who collects maintenance: The anthem of my profession should be the song ‘I will find you someday’

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A universal remedy for immunity, good sleep and a healthier heart? Researchers believe it is all about gratitude

According to psychology professor Robert A. Emmons of the University of California, Davis, clinical research indicates that the practice of gratitude can have lasting effects on a person’s health and life. It can lower blood pressure, improve immunity and make us sleep and rest better.

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‘No woman should have to ask a strange man for a sanitary pad’

How searing is the shame a person whose period has started and does not have a pad or tampon must feel?
The Ukrainian women we host not only do not have their favourite dresses. They also don’t have sanitary pads

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Menopause is the best time of our lives

‘Menopause is the best time of our lives. We no longer have to use contraception, we do not stress about an unexpected pregnancy, the monthly bleeding stops, and we usually have a good professional position and a stable home situation. And if not, maybe this is a great time for a change’. Interview with Prof. Violetta Skrzypulec-Plinta*

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