Sanitary pads and tampons should be standard in a company toilet

‘There are companies in Poland that have introduced menstrual leave, abroad it is an increasingly popular trend’. Interview with Dominika Miszewska, doctor, creator of the menstrual products calculator for institutions

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Ethnographers called them ‘hags’. Midwives had the lives of women and their children in their hands

Midwives knew that urine was a disinfectant, that it was good to wash a woman’s privates with oak bark and to put cabbage leaves on breasts that were sore from milk. Interview with Sabina Jakubowska*, author of the book ‘Akuszerki’ [Midwives]

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‘We have learned to cover anger with sadness. It makes us seem less dangerous’.

‘Nobody ever taught us how to express anger responsibly. Meanwhile, anger is one of the basic emotions. We feel it, whether we want to or not’. A conversation with Gabriela Klara Kowalska, coach, bodyworker.

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Iryna Ciłyk, film director from Kiev: The fact that my 11-year-old son is behaving like an adult breaks my heart

‘For the time being, I’m pushing away the thought of how great a collective trauma we are currently experiencing’, says Irena Ciłyk, a director who is hiding near Kyiv. Her documentary ‘The Earth is Blue as an Orange’ won the Sundance and Docs Against Gravity film festivals

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Times of sexual utopia. We treat each other like characters in an erotic version of the Sims

‘The more opportunities we are presented with for sexual self-development, the more toys we have to try out, orgasms to achieve, the more we feel that what actually happens to us is not good enough’. Interview with Professor Wojciech Klimczyk*, sociologist and culture expert

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