
Jokes are like brain gymnastics. Thanks to them we don’t take ourselves too seriously and therefore we feel better

Perspective, light-heartedness, a different point of view – this is what a few jokes can give us. So let yourself be amused and surprised on April Fools' Day. It makes our mind go off a beaten track, it makes us think creatively, outside the box. Children love joking around, so it’s worth letting them show off today. How do we do that? Here are some ideas.


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A board for family adventures and a list of new challenges. How to creatively organise a day at home with children?

We had to face a completely new situation. We are all at home, all the time. Most of us are starting to feel tired of the repetitiveness of days. So how can we help ourselves and our fellow household members organise our days whilst at the same time introducing some fun into our lives? Here are our suggestions:


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When someone crosses your boundary, you lose your sense of security. How to learn to say “stop”?

How close can you get to another person? And how close do you let others get to you? Do you know when to say stop? What to do if you feel someone is crossing your boundaries? These are just some questions related to the topic of human boundaries. We need them to feel safe, which is why it’s worth setting your own boundaries and respecting those of other people. How do we do it?


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How to teach a child to name and fulfil needs? Start with yourself and tell them how you feel when you are tired

Being amusing is not always the best solution for sadness. Each of us may need something different to feel better. Sometimes it’s enough to be close to someone or talk. It’s good to listen to yourself. It’s also worth talking about your needs so that others understand you better and are able to help if needed.


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