The world must not forget Ukraine!

Every episode of ‘The Domino Effect’ covers difficult problems, but the issue in Ukraine is special because it concerns our neighbors. On Tuesday evening in Kiev, Kulczyk Foundation organized a presentation for veterans of the Ukrainian war and widows of those who died in battle. “I cannot imagine a contemporary war in Poland, but it was just recently that you were not able to imagine one in Ukraine! And yet here it is and its tragedy, something which deeply pains me, is that the world constantly demanding new sensations is slowly becoming the everyday,” says Dominika Kulczyk.


Celebrities read Wise Tales

‘Wise Tales from Around the World’ is a book and CD released by Kulczyk Foundation. It is somewhat an extension of ‘The Domino Effect.’ Famous actors and musicians read the tales in the audio version. They include Sonia Bohosiewicz, Marta Żmuda-Trzebiatowska, Czesław Mozil, and Andrzej Piaseczny.



Kulczyk and Trzebiatowska tell stories

‘Tales from Around the World’ tell the stories about the true and unvarnished world of children for whom everyday life is often a challenge. The tales are gathered from the most exotic parts of the world. As it turns out, foreign tales demonstrate similar virtues and morals as Polish ones. The profit from the sales of the books will go to a noble cause. What is the cause? Kulczyk Foundation President Dominika Kulczyk and actress Marta Żmuda-Trzebiatowska discussed the project in the Dzień Dobry TVN studio.


There is no war here - report

A narrative about the war being over or barely continuing in Ukraine is dominating Western media. The three million people in the conflict zone beg to differ.
