Extended deadline for the RównoWaga competition.

Projects in Poland
Zadowolona business woman

(dostępna tutaj). Należy RównoWaga. Pro-Women's Company of the Year is a competition for Polish employers who are committed to women's equality in the workplace and comprehensively counteract discrimination. By showcasing and appreciating interesting initiatives and effective tools for inclusion, we want to inspire male and female entrepreneurs to create a work environment that is equal for all. 

Entering the competition is easy - just fill in the questionnaire at RównoWaga.org.pl (available here). However, some time needs to be set aside for this, so listening to requests from interested companies, it has been decided to extend the deadline for applications by a month.

- We know that many organizations are at the beginning of their journey towards balance and see our competition as a kind of direction indicator. We are keen to ensure that all those willing to participate can do so, especially as we have introduced an additional educational value in the form of webinars,' says Joanna Maliszewska-Mazek, Head of Social Activism at the Kulczyk Foundation.

Participating companies will also receive a diploma of participation. The very application is a message that the organisation cares about equal opportunities for women and men. And it is important from the point of view of male and female employees. The winners become market leaders. Their ideas and solutions are disseminated. They are set as role models, and this in turn attracts stakeholders and builds a positive image. Both on the customer and employee side.

Any organization participating in the Pro-Women's Company of the Year. EqualWeights will be able to sign up for a free webinar. The online training in the areas highlighted in the competition (equality policies and mechanisms, development, and training, work-home balance, pay, and health) will include:

  • what documents and mechanisms are needed to equalize opportunities between men and women in the company?
  • how to counter the wage gap (i.e. unequal pay between men and women)?
  • what can be done to ensure that women and men can return smoothly and calmly to their old jobs and bravely take on new challenges after returning from parental leave?
  • can women going through menopause be helped to feel comfortable and relaxed in the workplace? How to organize access to menstrual measures?
  • how to ensure gender equality in HR processes (e.g. recruitment or promotion)?

Read more about the competition  Pro-Woman Company of the year and apply for this year's edition!


Take care of your health during the menopause

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Dominika Kulczyk aquired the rights to the Malta Festival!

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