Take care of your health during the menopause

Projects in Poland
Kwestionariusz MTT

MTT includes the woman in the decision-making process about possible therapy, including hormone therapy, and at the same time makes it easier for the doctor (gynecologist, endocrinologist, family doctor) to make a decision in accordance with applicable recommendations. This is a new standardized tool and is intended to be available to everyone, so we encourage its popularization.

Take care of your health during menopause - read the questionnaire for diagnosis and treatment of menopause symptoms

Do you know that the changes which take place in your body during menopause can have a significant impact on your life? Hormonal changes during this period can lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as trouble sleeping, heart palpitations, dizziness, fatigue , and difficulty concentrating. For this reason, it is so important to provide yourself with proper care and support during this period.

A special questionnaire has been prepared for all women undergoing menopausal transformation and those approaching this stage of life, which will make it much easier for doctors to understand your needs and recommend appropriate therapeutic solutions.

The questionnaire is simple and we do not need any specialist knowledge to complete it. On this basis, the doctor can prepare a personalized health assessment and suggest the best solutions that can improve your functioning. Do not ignore your symptoms or delay taking action. Take care of yourself during the menopausal transition, because thanks to this you will be able to enjoy better health later in your life. Complete the questionnaire today and give yourself a chance for a better tomorrow.

Download the questionnaire in the PDF (available here) format and consult it with your doctor.

Please, remember that menopause is not a death sentence! The end of menstruation and related ailments are just some of the advantages of menopause. Moreover, menopause does not mean the end of sexual life. After menopause, you can enjoy it without the fear of getting pregnant and without the need to use (often burdensome) contraception! The beginning of the menopausal transformation is often associated with a period in life when our children, now fully independent, require less attention. This is the moment when there is time and space to take care of yourself.

Take care of yourself now! Read more at www.menopauzabeztabu.org.pl



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