We give a voice to those who have, so far, been silent

I have no doubt that if all of us don’t change our attitude towards women and towards our Mother Earth, we have no future ahead of us.


Kulczyk Foundation holds round table talks on menopause

Having published an in-depth report on menopause, the first such report in Poland, Dominika Kulczyk’s foundation takes the next step towards change. On October 18th – World Menopause and Andropause Day –the foundation gathered representatives of various communities and organisations interested in the subject of menopausal health. The goal is to jointly develop solutions that would improve the lives of women during the menopausal transition, as well as the healthcare and the awareness of the issue, dispelling harmful stereotypes that negatively affect many areas of women’s lives.


‘RównoWaga Employer Awards’ winners announced!

Meet the winners of the inaugural RównoWaga Employer Awards (Polish: ‘RównoWaga. Prokobieca Firma Roku’), organised by the Kulczyk Foundation, the Kongres Kobiet Association and the Polish Confederation Lewiatan. It’s the first competition for Polish employers in which women’s equality in the workplace is addressed comprehensively. The announcement of the results and the award ceremony took place during the European Forum for New Ideas.


Okresowa Koalicja calls for support of its bill

At a time when political parties are vying for voters’ support, when the general public and the media are scrutinising party manifestos, individuals and organisations affiliated with the Okresowa Koalicja [Period Coalition], an organisation working to end period poverty, calls for the government to support the first ever bill in Poland that would make menstrual pads available for free in every school.
