Malawi – The Domino Effect

Back in 2008, as many as 10 people would die here every hour, 24 hours a day. Hundreds and even thousands of Malawians were dying of AIDS, leaving their children as orphans. It was therefore so crucial to fight for the survival of those children. And survive they did, growing up and understand that this infection can be avoided. Kulczyk Foundation, an international organization led by Dominika Kulczyk, helps to provide good living conditions to the youngest Malawians. 


‘The Domino Effect’ in a country with AIDS

‘The Domino Effect’ returns to the new TVN lineup. What makes this season different from the others? In the first episode, Dominika Kulczyk visits Malawi, a country where one in every ten citizens is HIV-positive. We hosted Dominika in our studio and talked about what we can all do to make the world a better place and what we can expect in future episodes.


A room to help children deal with the worst things in their lives

The shelves are shaped like tree branches, full of books – especially books which fill children up with positive emotions and spark their imagination. The warm colors, soft seats, and everything else in the room serve as a shield to protect kids from the hardest news in their lives – the death of their loved ones. There will be a new room opened on 19 February in the Palium Hospice at Os. Rusa 55 in Poznań, which is aimed at helping children at least a little bit in the hardest times of their lives.


Results of Kulczyk Foundation’s Grant Contest

The results of Kulczyk Foundation’s grant contest
