
Not all civilians were able to escape the war zone in Ukraine. The ones left behind are mostly elderly. When listening to their stories, I found it hard to believe that I was still in Europe.


Give hope to the elderly! To them, one package means the world!

A package for an elderly person deprived of their home, food, security, and hope by the Ukrainian war costs only PLN 25. One food package is a real lifesaver because it provides another two weeks of life without the fear of starvation. The Group, Rotary International (RI), and Kulczyk Foundation want to give the elderly from the Donetsk Oblast food packages purchased thanks to the kind hearts of Poles. With your help, we can make it happen!



The 24th anniversary of Ukrainian Independence

24 years ago, on 24 August 1991, the Supreme Council adopted the Act of the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine. The Ambassador of Ukraine to Poland, Andrij Deszczycia, and his compatriots celebrated the Independence of Ukraine at the Warsaw Philharmonic.


Opening of ‘Wspólny Stół’

We help to help. This time, we helped Fundacja Pomocy Wzajemnej ‘Barka” (the ‘Barka’ Mutual Aid Foundation) open a restaurant. Maria Sadowska, the daughter of the founders of Barka, gathered several people together to open a new beautiful location in Poznań at Rynek Śródecki 6:‘Wspólny Stół’ (‘Common Table’). This venture brings together three passions: a love of food, of nature, and mainly of people.
