Dominika Kulczyk named as „Friend of a School 2017”

Projects in Poland

Dominika Kulczyk, the President of Kulczyk Foundation, has been named as “Friend of a School 2017”. The title is granted by the Chapter of the Best Teacher of the Year’s competition. – I dedicate this award to all of my teachers, starting from those teaching me at the primary school, at the high school, and finally at the university level. I dedicate it also to the dearest teachers of my life – my mom and my dad – says Dominika Kulczyk.

The official ceremony took place on Tuesday at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. For 16 years, the competition has been organized by “Głos Nauczycielski”. – I very much believe in children. I think that they are the future of this world – says Dominika Kulczyk during her speech addressed to teachers and educators. – I’m very grateful to all of you for being there for children, for being able to hold this joy and responsibility of creating someone’s life. - Kulczyk Foundation’s educational programs are prepared with a view to helping a Polish school shape children to be good, responsible, and sensitive people – says Dominika Kulczyk. Kulczyk Foundation has emphasized the importance of empathy and prosocial behavior. The issues discussed in a documentary series “Domino Effect” form a starting point in educational projects run by Kulczyk Foundation. Inspirations for classes with children aim to encourage discussions on universal values, which are shared irrespectively of our culture and place of residence.

- We want Polish children to understand how lucky they are that they have access to schooling and that they have wonderful teachers by their side – says the President of Kulczyk Foundation at the Royal Castle. – The main objective of our program is to make children aware that their peers living on the other side of the globe have the same needs, even though they are different from us with respect to the language, skin color, and clothes – they all need love, happiness, joy, but also truth and knowledge to be able to shape their lives. This perspective is reflected in the name of our educational program – “I know. I feel… I help!”. I know, because we need to understand each other, to understand the world. I feel, because it’s crucial to feel that strangers can become close to us. I help, because we should take actions if someone needs help – explains Dominika Kulczyk.

- Thank you for really changing the world. And it is you that I dedicate the words of Gabriel Garcia Marquez to: “You may only be a person in this world, but for someone you're the world”. Kulczyk Fundation is the intergovernmental institution, which shapes and supports leaders of social changes. In Poland, it runs, among others, a nutrition program Yellow Plate, while abroad, it leads an aid project „Domino Effect”. “I know. I feel… I help!” is an extensive educational program, but also the name of this year’s Experts’ Forum devoted to empathy at school. The Forum will take place on 20 November in Warsaw. Participation in the Forum is for free, the registration will open soon on the website


Extended deadline for the RównoWaga competition.

The competition for Pro-Woman Company of the Year is underway. RównoWaga, which rewards attitudes that equalize career opportunities for women and men. Small, medium, and large enterprises, local governments, and NGOs can still apply. Even if an institution is at the beginning of the road to balance, it is worth participating. Each organization will receive support and a diploma. Due to numerous requests, the application deadline has been extended to 26 July.

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Take care of your health during the menopause

During the interdisciplinary Round Table meeting on Menopause organized by the Kulczyk Foundation, Dr. Małgorzata Bińkowska from the Polish Menopause and Andropause Society presented the MTT questionnaire - the Polish version of a questionnaire diagnosing menopausal symptoms developed by an international body of experts in two versions: for the woman and for the doctor.

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The 3rd edition of the ‘Zdrowo nakręceni’ competition has started!

The most creative directors... children are preparing for the third time competition films about cooking, healthy eating and equality in the kitchen. There is plenty to compete for, as this year's edition of the competition addressed to the institutions included in the Kulczyk Foundation's Żółty Talerz project has a total prize pool of PLN 45,000. The winning establishments will be able to use the funds to renovate or purchase equipment necessary for their workshop spaces. 

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