Poland (Rak’n’Roll) – the Domino Effect

Projects in Poland

Another episode of the ‘The Domino Effect’ tells the story of five women and one man – of normal women put to the test by their fate and of a doctor who is not afraid to give them hope. Only a few oncology centers administer chemotherapy to expectant mothers out of fear of damaging the fetus. And yet only starting treatment immediately gives them a good chance of regaining their health. It results in so many future mothers having to make a dramatic choice: either pregnancy or treatment.

The Rak’n’Roll foundation, founded by Magda Prokopowicz, one of the subjects of this episode, has been trying to change this way of thinking for 7 years. In cooperation with several oncology centres, they campaign to convince both doctors and patients that chemotherapy does not preclude a healthy pregnancy.

This episode will introduce viewers to the Rak’n’Roll foundation and the people who have benefited from what it does. We will listen to women whose doctors had suggested sacrificing the life of their unborn children for the sake of their own health. Many important words were exchanged in the conversation between Dominika Kulczyk and Doctor Jerzy Giermek. For 21 years, Doctor Giermek has been achieving therapeutic outcomes deemed quite unbelievable by many experts.

We kindly invite you to watch the episode available in Polish at: http://player.pl/programy-online/efekt-domina-odcinki,1991/odcinek-4,boskie-matki,S03E04,60134.html


Extended deadline for the RównoWaga competition.

The competition for Pro-Woman Company of the Year is underway. RównoWaga, which rewards attitudes that equalize career opportunities for women and men. Small, medium, and large enterprises, local governments, and NGOs can still apply. Even if an institution is at the beginning of the road to balance, it is worth participating. Each organization will receive support and a diploma. Due to numerous requests, the application deadline has been extended to 26 July.

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Take care of your health during the menopause

During the interdisciplinary Round Table meeting on Menopause organized by the Kulczyk Foundation, Dr. Małgorzata Bińkowska from the Polish Menopause and Andropause Society presented the MTT questionnaire - the Polish version of a questionnaire diagnosing menopausal symptoms developed by an international body of experts in two versions: for the woman and for the doctor.

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The 3rd edition of the ‘Zdrowo nakręceni’ competition has started!

The most creative directors... children are preparing for the third time competition films about cooking, healthy eating and equality in the kitchen. There is plenty to compete for, as this year's edition of the competition addressed to the institutions included in the Kulczyk Foundation's Żółty Talerz project has a total prize pool of PLN 45,000. The winning establishments will be able to use the funds to renovate or purchase equipment necessary for their workshop spaces. 

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