Poland (Rak’n’Roll) – the Domino Effect

Projects in Poland

Another episode of the ‘The Domino Effect’ tells the story of five women and one man – of normal women put to the test by their fate and of a doctor who is not afraid to give them hope. Only a few oncology centers administer chemotherapy to expectant mothers out of fear of damaging the fetus. And yet only starting treatment immediately gives them a good chance of regaining their health. It results in so many future mothers having to make a dramatic choice: either pregnancy or treatment.

The Rak’n’Roll foundation, founded by Magda Prokopowicz, one of the subjects of this episode, has been trying to change this way of thinking for 7 years. In cooperation with several oncology centres, they campaign to convince both doctors and patients that chemotherapy does not preclude a healthy pregnancy.

This episode will introduce viewers to the Rak’n’Roll foundation and the people who have benefited from what it does. We will listen to women whose doctors had suggested sacrificing the life of their unborn children for the sake of their own health. Many important words were exchanged in the conversation between Dominika Kulczyk and Doctor Jerzy Giermek. For 21 years, Doctor Giermek has been achieving therapeutic outcomes deemed quite unbelievable by many experts.

We kindly invite you to watch the episode available in Polish at: http://player.pl/programy-online/efekt-domina-odcinki,1991/odcinek-4,boskie-matki,S03E04,60134.html


Dominika Kulczyk aquired the rights to the Malta Festival!

Poznań’s flagship cultural project that draws brilliant artists from all over the world will gain a new, feminine face! The acquisition of the rights to the Malta Festival Poznań brand has been successfully finalised following the announcement in July. The purchase guarantees that the idea behind the prestigious EFFE (Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe) award-winning undertaking can live on. 

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New website menopauzabeztabu.org.pl has been launched

The website contains a wealth of information gathered thanks to our experts, and can serve as an excellent first source of knowledge about menopause. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our new educational platform," encourages Dominika Kulczyk, Chairwoman of the Kulczyk Foundation. 

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We give a voice to those who have, so far, been silent

I have no doubt that if all of us don’t change our attitude towards women and towards our Mother Earth, we have no future ahead of us.

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