Faces of Business: Dominika Kulczyk

The second episode of the Faces of Business, the new show of Forbes and Onet, features an interview with Dominika Kulczyk.


Floating doctors with boat offices

In the newest episode of ‘The Domino Effect,’ Dominika Kulczyk visits Panama to see where floating doctors work. What kind of an organization are they? Who does they help? What are the most common problems of the locals? Dzień Dobry TVN hosted medical studies professor Katarzyna Życińska, who accompanied the crew of ‘The Domino Effect’ during the filming. Would she be able to work in such conditions?


Panama – the Domino Effect

Dominika Kulczyk presents the story of an ingenious idea. Floating Doctors is a hospital on a boat helmed by the charismatic Doctor Ben. His hospital brings help to those who have no other access to healthcare. The latest episode of ‘The Domino Effect’ features Panama, where Kulczyk Foundation has helped Doctor Ben in the pursuit of his extraordinary endeavor.


International recognition for the Domino Effect!

“We have created this series to make as many people as possible feel the need to act for the benefit of others. This is why it is so crucial that the world has noticed our efforts,” says Dominika Kulczyk, President of Kulczyk Foundation. An episode of her documentary series, ‘The Domino Effect,’ broadcast by TVN has been recognized at the prestigious Best Shorts Competition.
