Jan Kulczyk Scholarships were awarded


The ceremony took place in the hall of the Lubrański Collegium Minus of the University of Adam Mickiewicz. Congratulations to the honorees were offered by Prof. Bogumiła Kaniewska, Rector of UAM and Dominika Kulczyk, President of the Kulczyk Foundation.

During the event, 8 winners of the Jan Kulczyk Scholarship for students and PhD students and 11 winners of the Jan Kulczyk Scholarship students - citizens of Ukraine were honoured.

The scholarships are awarded to students and PhD students for very good academic results, outstanding scientific achievements and activity for the University. The difficult financial situation of the candidates may also be taken into account.

The jury decided to honour the following PhD students:

  • Jakub Buda, MA from the School of Natural Sciences, discipline of biological sciences,
  • Aleksandra Leśniewska from the School of Sciences, astronomy discipline,
  • Adam Perz, MA from the School of Natural Sciences, discipline of earth and environment science,
  • Alexandra Staniewska from the School of Humanities, discipline of culture and religion.

And the following students:

  • Maria Gwit from the Faculty of Biology, biotechnology major,
  • Michał Tomaszewski from the Faculty of History, history major,
  • Michalina Wesołowska from the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology, major: Polish Philology,
  • Julia Wojciechowska from the Faculty of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management, field of spatial management.

The Jan Kulczyk Scholarships for students and PhD students is the oldest scholarship programme of the Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation, implemented since 1999. Scholarships are awarded in cooperation with the Kulczyk Foundation and the University of Adam Mickiewicz.

The winners of the second group of scholarship holders are UAM students from Ukraine, who, in addition to high average grades, can boast of outstanding scientific achievements, involvement in university life, social and cultural activities, or knowledge of several foreign languages.

When awarding the scholarships, the Chapter also took into account the financial situation of the candidates and the very difficult situation in Ukraine.

The jury of the competition selected the following students and undergraduate students:

  • Anastasiia Duda from the Faculty of Modern Languages, major in Applied Linguistics,
  • Viktoriia Melnyk from the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology, major: Polish and foreign philology,
  • Nataliia Oliinyk from the Faculty of Pedagogy and Art, direction of artistic education in the field of visual arts,
  • Mariia Yakovenko from the Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences, majoring in geology.

And the following second-cycle students:

  • Elvira Bilokon from the Faculty of Physics, major in physics,
  • Valeriia Bilokon from the Faculty of Physics, major in physics,
  • Yunna Honchar from the Faculty of Pedagogy and Art, direction of artistic education in the field of visual arts,
  • Olena Nahimova from the Faculty of Biology, major in biotechnology,
  • Anastasiia Polishchuk from the Faculty of Biology, major in Environmental Protection,
  • Hanna Reshetniak from the Faculty of Physics, PAMEP major,
  • Vladyslav Serhiienko from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, majoring in computer science.

The AMU Foundation admits the sholarships for UAM students - citizens of Ukraine since 2014. The originator and initiator of this programme was Jan Kulczyk. Funds for this purpose are donated by the Kulczyk Foundation.


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