The Domino Effect’s Workshop was launched with an international debate

- We need to look at the world’s problems by looking at the problems of individual people, and solve them together with these people. Helping others requires providing those in need with a freedom of choice, and thus it needs to be based on mutual respect and understanding. 


India – The Domino Effect

India. Kolkata. And Dalits, known as the untouchables. This is not a metaphor. In this country, a centuries-old tradition has divided people into castes. Dalits have been at the very bottom of the many–thousand-year-old social hierarchy. They are condemned to the worst professions, which are called “unclean”. It’s hard to imagine how one could escape such stigmatization. And yet! Dominika Kulczyk reaches out to Kolkata in order to support the project aimed at helping the children of prostitutes and Dalits.


Bangladesh - The Domino Effect

Cox’s Bazar… It used to be the largest touristic center in Bangladesh and the longest beach in the world – over 120 kilometers. Now – the largest refugee camp in the world. 880,000 of refugees have found shelter here so as to avoid genocide. Dominika Kulczyk has reached out to Cox’s Bazar in order to support the field hospital for woman and to show the stories of families escaping death.


Rwanda - The Domino Effect

Rwanda. Here, people will never forget that there was a time when human life meant as much as one shot or machete strike. It is a country with a background of genocide. A country, in which there still live those who are treated as useless, worse. It is here that Dominika Kulczyk supports deaf children. Some of them, thanks to the hearing aids, will hear their parents’ voice for the very first time!
