An Accessible Pad Can Do More for Women’s Comfort at Work than the Most Expensive Strategy

‘Providing access to hygiene products directly in the company’s restroom is a performance enhancing measure. It is something we do with health – especially mental health – in mind but also a token of respect for working women’, said Monika Jurczyk, Head of HR at Fabryka Plastików Kwidzyn, part of the French PVL-Plastivaloire Group.

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Nikt o tym nie mówi – to ogromne tabu

Kobiety wstydziłyby się pójść do sądu z problemem miesiączki i praw pracowniczych z nią związanych. Kobiety po prostu nie miesiączkują i tyle - tak to jest postrzegane w sferze publicznej.

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A Huge Taboo No One Talks About


Women would be too ashamed to take the issue of menstruation and related labour rights to court. Women simply don’t menstruate – this is the general public’s perception of the issue.

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